The Journey There

It's a NEW YEAR!  With that often comes the excitement to get clear and aligned with your desires and what you want to make manifest. As I reflected upon this on 12-31-2024, along with recently hearing about a mentor's "behind the scenes" journey before she appeared to have made it big-time, this poem flowed through. May it inspire you, and be a reminder, that every step counts. And, that THIS moment is something to be cherished. Yes, clarify your desires and new alignment. Yes, begin to ...

Set Your Waters Free

Set your waters free…. Water will take on the shape of the object it is placed in. Put it in a glass, it’s the size and shape of that glass. Put it in a bowl, it’s the size and shape of that bowl. Put it in a river… it can expand and flow. Where is your water? Are you following the status quo? Doing what you believe you “should?” Creating your business based on what others are doing? There is a lot of noise in the world. A lot of expectations. A lot of ...

Broken Strings

Lately, I've been feeling called to play my monochord more often. I had a virtual sound bath the other day, and this instrument was calling to me to use it. So why hadn’t I been playing it? Well, it needed tuning. There are a few reasons why I had avoided this simple task. Time.  Tuning the monochord takes time. Yet when I reflected on why I wasn’t actually making the time, it became clear that it wasn't really about time. After all, if I can find time for a mindless scroll ...

It All Started With A Shell

My start in the career of the healing arts was as a massage therapist in 2000. I took out a loan on my car to go back to school after I felt something was still missing in my career using my 4 year bachelors degree. I wanted to make a bigger difference. What I didn’t expect was that something would still be missing in this field too… Then one Christmas, a seashell I had collected as a child, was placed in my hands, where I received the message to “work with it.” That is ...

Be You. Be Seen. Make Your Impact.

Be You. Be Seen. Make Your Impact. You got into healing or coaching to make a difference and help others. Yet you struggle to fill classes and programs or feel like there are so many people doing it, how do you set yourself apart… Be YOU. You are unique, just like each grain of sand.Your life experiences are different. Your views are different. Your likes and passions are different. I see many people trying to get it “right” or follow someone else’s formula, or ask ...


I have this come up a lot with my clients, friends, colleagues, and even myself! We focus on “where we want to get.” That elusive destination that will assure us that we made it. Yet, it’s the steps along the way, the foundation, the momentum, the movement, that gets us there. It’s often these steps we don’t fully see or honor. Why? We’re focused on the summit. The mountain top. The big dream. Yet, did you know that that continuously changes? When you reach ...

Love More

Did you choose a word or mantra for the new year?  While deep in thought about something, I heard this phrase within my heart, "love more." In that moment I knew that was my mantra, my focus, my sacred centering. How could I "love more" in every moment, in every interaction, in every decision, in every creation? It's so easy to get caught up in this world. Yet, what really matters is love.  Our time here is brief, and when we get to reflect back upon it, I believe what ...

What thermostat do you follow?

Do you listen to your body? To how you are feeling? Do you make choices based on your own inner wisdom?Or do you look outside yourself? Do you follow the guidance of someone or something outside of you? Do you give your power to another source? Do you follow system measurements versus your own internal system?This time of year we crank up the wood stove.A comfortable temperature in our house is usually around 75. At 78 we know it’s plenty warm and stop feeding the fire.The other day, it ...

Slow and Intentional

How do you move throughout your day?Are you aware?Are you present for each breath, and every step you take?It can be so easy to be a few steps ahead of ourselves.Our minds can be quite active and onto the next thing before we complete what we are actually doing in the present.This is one of the lessons my sound journey has made me very aware of.Quality instruments are not cheap. Crystal bowls can easily break.One day, I gently tossed my Tingsha bells into my sound circle.They didn’t quite ...

Is it feeding you or depleting you

That small voice within. The one that holds wisdom, answers and direction. The subtle whisper of your soul, guiding you to sacred alignment.That wise voice prompted a question I'd love to share with you. One that takes you from an unconscious pattern, to intentional living. One you can use often to stay in that place of your SEA- soul energy alignment.Here's how the question came to me:I had logged in and responded to messages. Then found myself in the mindless scroll… As my energy began ...

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