Blog The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer


Are you good at asking?

Are you good at reaching out for help?

No, Google doesn't count. 

Today’s UNSCRIPTED was about the power of prayer.

You can watch the replay here:

Or the Podcast Version here.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience. And human-ing? That can be hard.

So what do we do when we are juggling alllll the plates, and suddenly our balance is thrown off, or life tosses another one in... and suddenly, SMASH!

My go-to is prayer. I don't always know how to put the plate back together or get the juggling back in rhythm. 

There is a beautiful community of heart-centered souls I am in where you can reach out anytime and say, "Hey! I could use some prayers!" and boom! prayers are surrounding you, and your plate.

I'd pray as the requests came in. Then later read the follow-up's of, "Thank you for the prayers, I feel better! Thank you for the prayers, surgery went great! Thank you for the prayers, I found what I was looking for!"

The power of prayer. The power of prayerS!

Do you ever feel like you're a burden in asking? Or that you should be able to do it all yourself? To figure it out on your own? To fix it? To, whatever it needs....

Yeah, that can be me at times. However, something within called me to ask... "Hey! I'm not sure how to ask, but, I could use some prayers please."

That's all it took. One simple request.

As the prayers rolled in, I cried. 

A heaviness lifted.
Love, Hope, Peace... permeated the air...

So when you feel a plate is going to crash, or you lost your rhythm, or just need a little light in a sometimes dark world... ask and receive. Pray and believe.

Love, Hope and Peace are always in the air.

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