Blog The Dance of Life

The Dance of Life


Big exciting stuff,
and at the same time,
big hard stuff.
How does one allow the opportunity to unfold
and still sacredly hold their heart?
How does one continue to step forward
and deeply pause to be with what is all happening?

A moment at a time,
honoring the energy.
Tapping it when the moment allows
and then sinking into it when it calls.
They say life is a dance.
Sometimes the music is a melody
that makes you cry,

and sometimes it gets you moving,
and you clumsily dance to both.
The slow songs, the fast songs,
and the songs you have no idea how to dance to
so you just shift your weight from one foot to the other.
Always honoring your heart and the sacred blessing to dance this dance
with those you love and are graced with,
for as many songs as the good Lord allows.

So if you feel like you have two left feet right now, 
flailing about lost on the floor, 
you are not alone.
Move however the music calls you.
This is your sacred dance…
the dance of this journey ever unfolding.

Be gentle with yourself.
Be grateful for your partners.
And be present with the music that is playing,
one moment at a time.

The above words are what flowed from my heart as I have been navigating life through simultaneous opportunities and losses. 

Wherever you are right now, whatever music is playing, I invite you to dance.

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