Blog Stronger Smarter wiser

Stronger Smarter wiser


Stronger. Smarter. Wiser. 

In this Unscripted Episode, I share about opportunities to become stronger, then smarter, and finally wiser.

You can watch the episode here:

Or listen to the podcast here.

It's summer, and I'm once again offering beach meditation! This year, I was guided to dive into sound healing, and now have a plethora of singing bowls and other sound instruments to enhance my meditation experiences.

What I learned on my first official summer soundscape experience... is that it is A LOT to carry through the sand to set up.

About six trips back and forth from my car to the ideal location, followed up with the set up process.

I made it JUST in time as people arrived.

The event went great! 

Then, it was time to clean up. I took everything down and packed it up... then it was time to trek back to my car. Multiple trips awaited me.

HEAVY. Did I mention some of these are quite heavy? And awkward? 

I was sweating.

I had to pause and take breaks.

My body ached.

My mind started complaining... profusely.

Then a wiser voice spoke up:

Don't complain about that which makes you stronger.

Ah, yes. This was my workout! I wasn't going to the gym. I wasn't showing up to exercise as I had intended. Therefore, THIS was my opportunity.

That little mindset shift transformed my attitude.

And then, thankfully, a store isle display offered me the opportunity to work SMARTER as it showed me the "all terrain wagon."

Now I have something to load my equipment in and roll to my location! Stronger. Smarter. Wiser.

Where in life can you transform your mindset, from complaining to empowering? 

Then, where is your opportunity to shift your way of doing things to work smarter?

What is the wise voice saying? What is the wisdom you can gain?

Life offers us many opportunities to transform.

To finding the ways that offer you ease!

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