Blog See with your heart

See with your heart



This poem was inspired one morning when I awoke before the sun.

I looked out the window and saw two bright stars, as well as the warm tones in the sky preceding the sun’s rising. I decided to await it’s arrival.

The sun took it’s time, and ever so slowly the sky got a little brighter. I’d look to find my two stars, now moving up higher into the sky.

They’d become a little harder to detect each time, but I could still find them there with their increasing faintness. Until their presence I could no longer detect.

In that moment I realized how we are always surrounded by stars, yet vividly aware of them only when they shine at night, as the sun and blue skies fill our days. That there aren’t only ‘nighttime’ stars, there are also ‘daytime’ stars, seemingly invisible to the naked eye.

It made me reflect on how much we focus our seeing to what we are aware of through our eyes, which limits seeing what is all truly there.

I invite you to see not only with your eyes, but with your heart. To be open to all that is beyond just mere sight, beyond what our eyes are capable of witnessing. To see deeper through the heart and soul.

Realizing that there is always magic around us. That we are held even in our darkness. That there is beauty both in the light and in the darkness. That we can’t always ‘see’ the vast wonder around us with the naked eye, but that it’s presence is still there.

Look at the world around you with your heart, an open, curious mind, and the all the wonder of a child. And see all you’ve been missing.

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