Blog Do You Weed?

Do You Weed?


Do you have a garden, or have you ever? How are you with weeding it?

This year I planned to weed everyday. Like many well-meaning plans, that one didn’t quite happen as planned.

I stepped into the garden the other day after a little time away from it….

What I’ve found, is that if you don’t weed a garden a little bit each day, the weeds will grow out of control.

It seems to somehow happen overnight. (Seriously! There were just a few! Now it’s completely engulfed!!!)

Then, that task of weeding becomes daunting. SO many weeds, and big ones, where does one even begin?

Sometimes it can even become difficult to tell- which is the weed, and which is the plant?

A garden is a lot like life.

If we don’t pause to “weed” a little each day, it can start to feel chaotic.

The weeds may become camouflaged, blending in with what we do want to grow.

With so much information being ingested by us every day, seeds may be being planted we are not consciously aware of.

It is vital to our garden, that we take the time to tend to it.

To clear our mind, nourish our body, and connect with our spirit.

For me, my go-to “weeding” practice is meditation.

Stilling the stir of my thoughts, becoming mindful, immersing myself in nature… all help me to tend to my “garden.”

I notice my “weeds” starting to get too big when I feel my energy drained, my emotions triggered, a fear or worry "growing like a weed," or when I’m placing my power outside of myself.

These are my cues that it’s time to get in there and weed- pronto.

Meditation is a daily practice for me. Sometimes multiple times a day. It helps me to stay mindful when weeds sprout up, before they get out of hand or start to blend in.

How about you? What is your “weeding” practice? What signals you that your weeds are getting big? How do you nurture your garden and all that you are growing?

Hit reply and share! I’d love to know! And if you need any support cultivating a weeding practice, let me know too, I’d be happy to help.

Wishing you a beautiful and blessed, weed-free day!

P.S. Want a few, simple "weeding ideas" to get you started? Here are some mindful exercises that I love that only take a moment. They help me to still, slow and center.

Pause and connect with your breath. Bringing your full awareness to the inhale and exhale. Be with this for a moment.

Place your bare feet in the grass. Feel the earth supporting you. Notice the texture, the temperature, the connection.

Hopefully these tips will inspire you to create your own "weeding practice."

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