Blog Beyond What You See

Beyond What You See


They look like they've got it all!

Today's UNSCRIPTED live was about this.

You can watch the replay here:

Or the Podcast Version here.

How many times have you compared or measured yourself based upon what something appears to be, or what someone appears to have?

So many times what we "see" isn't what it appears to be.

Usually when you scroll online, you mostly see everyones life all together.

Businesses launching programs and services. That perfect couple that is so in love. The one who lost their loved one, mourning daily... OR back in the groove.

It can be easy to compare, measure yourself by, or judge what you see.

Yet, a recent "scroll" showed how there is more beyond what you see.

I came across a post of someone asking "Who's actually making it?" as they struggled with their business not taking off yet. The response? Comment after comment of "Not me." 

I came across a live video where a perfect relationship had ended months ago, and the pain was shared, along with open arms wanting to help others. Again, there was more beyond what we had seen before.

I saw a complaint about someones grieving process. I saw someone appear strong, when truly they were grieving. Two opposites beyond what you "see."

The reminder of it all? To know there is more... beyond what you see. To not compare to what is "out there." To seek within. To focus on your own inner truth and direction. And to be kind. As they say, you don't know what someone is really facing, feeling, experiencing. Be gentle. With you. With others.

Wherever you are, is beautiful. The joy. The pain. The sorrow. Be in today. Pray for tomorrow. 

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