Blog Be the snail

Be the snail


Years ago, while walking with a friend I was visiting in beautiful Key West, I abruptly stopped in my tracks. There in front of me, making his way across the sidewalk, was a cute, little snail. I paused and admired him for a while, then we continued on our way.

Upon finishing up our errand and heading back, I excitedly stated, ‘I wonder how far the snail got!’ I quickly headed over to the area I last saw him, anxious to see the progress he made after all this time.

Needless to say, he was still strolling along his concrete highway… but indeed making headway to his destination. The message I received from this focused little mollusk?

Be the snail.

Constant advancement and motion in the direction you desire to go will, eventually, get you there.

No matter how big your dreams are, or how far away they seem, slow and steady action can manifest them into reality. After all, if a snail can do it, so can you!

How are or can YOU be the snail in your life? What constant strides can you implement? 

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