Blog All Storms Pass

All Storms Pass


All Storms Pass. 

In this Unscripted Episode, I share about how storms pass, both in nature and our lives.

You can watch the episode here:

Or listen to the podcast here.

This was quite timely, as we've experienced some summer storms here. 

High wind warnings had me battening down the hatches to prepare!

Sometimes the weatherman is right, and we get what was predicted.

Sometimes the storm shifts and it isn't nearly as bad as they thought.

How often in your mind, do you create a forecast of epic proportion? So sure the sky will fall?

Then it doesn't.

We can waste a lot of time and energy getting consumed in mind forecasts that create a "story storm."

We don't know what nature will do. We also can't control things or people, outside of ourselves.

All we can do is be prepared and then stay present. Don't get lost in the story. Don't get consumed by the fear.

Be here. Now in this moment. And remember... All storms pass. Don't make them more severe than they need to be.

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